From a client:
Kerry, I have completed my books on last year, 2007 for our corporation. I purchased a winzip file to send compressed messages but I am having a difficult time useing it. I have someone coming to help me in the morning if that does not work I will copy to a disk and drive it up to Harrison tomorrow myself. I will let you know.
My reply:
There is no need to use WinZip for QuickBooks files. We used to use that for Quicken files because that program had a terrible backup function. QuickBooks has its own built in compression tool when you make Portable Company Files (QBM) or Accountant's Review (QBX) copies.
Go into the "File" menu, then to "Accountant's Copy", then "Client Activities", then "Create Accountant's Copy"
Save the QBX copy to a folder on your computer where you can remember its location. Then either attach it to an email to me or upload it to my online service.
To send the file to me, or upload it to my online server, check out the instructions on my website.
Good luck.
From the client:
Kerry, I think I did what your inst. told me to do. If this is not correct please have Sherry let me know when we can get together on a phone call, and she can waik me through this process. At any rate thank you very much for all your help and info. Look forward to heraing from you.
I wrote back:
You sent the 15.3 mb full size QBW file.
I will look it over.
Next time, please make either a Portable Company File (ending in QBM) or an Accountant's Review copy (ending in QBX). Both of those are only about one tenth the size of the QBW, making for much faster uploading and downloading.
Thanks for your help with this.